
Get Out Your Armor Because We're Auditioning: Half the Battle

To become a great actor, you first have to pass the audition. As an actor, this is what I personally think of it...
I am one of those actors who like to have the script for a month, read it two hundred times, analyze everything, rehearse like a madman, then give the most amazing performance of my life. So, as you can imagine, acting on the fly given little time with the script is torture for me, but I am just going to have to get over it. Luckily, I have experience on my side now. I have found that what works, at least for me, is to find a monologue that you can see. If I can see in my mind's eye what is going on in the monologue, it makes it so much easier to perform. Doing character work and development, memorization, physicalization, and vocalization feels more natural. The more natural and at-ease you feel, the better. Here is some helpful advice from backstage...

How can Actors Manage Audition Nerves?

Top Audition Tips for Actors

I have found backstage's articles and videos to be so profoundly helpful with their advice for actors so I am going to share a bit of their wisdom from their article "10 Ways to Find Audition Inspiration" by JV Mercanti.

6 Ways to Work on Your Audition Material
  1. "Read it through with an open mind."
  2. "Write down your first impressions."
  3. "Focus on your character."
  4. "Break the scene into beats. Beats are units of action - cause and effect."
  5. "Assign an action."
  6. "Craft an objective."
3 Ways to "Think outside the box."
  1. Use a search engine to search images and themes that popped into your head for further inspiration.
  2. Get out of your house and head and see the world around you.
  3. Work on your body and rest your mind. Some of the best ideas come when you're not thinking about it.
The Big One: RELAX

The world won't collapse if you don't get the part and you'll always do better if you are collected, calm, and even-minded. You'll make a much better first impression which is key to doing well in an audition. 

Remember these tips and you'll be okay. You may not get the part this time, but keep auditioning no matter what. That is how you will get jobs now and in the future. You may not be right for this part, but the people in the audition room may remember you for something else. Stay positive and keep acting.

I do not own any of the pictures or videos. My research is from http://www.backstage.com/advice-for-actors/backstage-experts/10-ways-find-audition-inspiration/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Expert%20Posts.

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